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☕️ Bloomberg breaks down the wealth of Malaysia's new king

Bursa 2024 IPO target: 42 IPOs, RM13 bil IPO market cap. Is Malaysian education system failing us? Court rules in favour of Elon Musk's pay cut, USD56 bil 'poorer'.


Information as of 0715 UTC+8 on Feb 2, 2024.


How are your New Year resolutions coming along? Are meditation apps not working their magic on you? Well, you may want to consider this hobby — freediving. The sport is now growing in popularity around the world, with over 20,000 people having been certified as freedivers in recent years. Scuba Schools International (SSI) has seen a steady 10% annual increase in the number of individuals receiving their first freediving certification. The practice of freediving has been linked to several mental and therapeutic benefits. A study by academics at Atilim University in Turkey in 2013 found that individuals who practice freediving tend to exhibit lower levels of stress and anxiety compared to those who do not.
Watch trailer: The Science of Freediving (Netflix)

USD2.1 bil (RM9.93 bil) — the size of the whale-watching industry. An estimated 13 mil people go whale watching every year, but the odds of it are rather low. Whale conservationist Ted Cheeseman said on most of these trips, people only get to see 2% of the whale for 2% of the time. In order to encourage people to go whale watching, HappyWhale, a research company, has developed a unique platform that allows users to upload spotted whales onto its website. The platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) software to search through its extensive database of over 70,000 whales and can identify the exact species of the whale in the uploaded picture.

A recent survey conducted by the Japan External Trade Organization (Jetro) revealed that 64% of Japanese companies in Malaysia are struggling with a worker shortage. The survey, which covered approximately 300 Japanese companies in Malaysia, further indicated that this shortage is primarily affecting the manufacturing and retail sectors. Interestingly, the survey also found that over 50% of Japanese companies in Malaysia are considering expanding their businesses over the next one to two years despite this labour shortage issue.

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