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  • ☕️ Malaysia ranked 57th in TI Corruption Perceptions Index

☕️ Malaysia ranked 57th in TI Corruption Perceptions Index

"GOLD" number plate series up for grabs. Weight pay gap - the obese earn less than the skinny. Musk's latest invention - brain implant tech, Telepathy.


Information as of 0725 UTC+8 on Jan 31, 2024.


A study on C-suite executives at Fortune 100 companies revealed that the average age has returned to 57, the same as it was four decades ago. The research analysing C-suite leaders from 1980 onwards highlighted a reversal of a long trend. Initially, the average age of C-suite executives had been trending downward after 1980, reaching an average age of 51 in 2001. Fortune 100 C-suite executives often have multi-industry experience in law or finance. The study also revealed that 28% of these executives were women, up from levels in 1980. Welcome back gerontocracy — a rule by those that are significantly older than the adult population.

When body weight affects salary — numerous studies have demonstrated that employees who are classified as obese, with a body-mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, tend to earn significantly less than their slimmer colleagues. However, the costs of weight discrimination may be more severe than was previously thought. The greater your level of education, the higher the penalty. The Economist’s research shows that obese men with a bachelor's degree earn 5% less than their thinner colleagues, while those with a graduate degree earn 14% less. Obese women, unfortunately, face even greater challenges: the corresponding percentages for them are 12% and 19%, respectively. In this case, it literally pays to be healthy.

The authorities blocked 1,675 websites selling illegal pharmaceuticals and seized unregistered pharmaceutical products worth RM500,000 during Operation Pangea XVI in October 2023. Ministry of Health’s (MOH) pharmacy services senior director Norhaliza A Halim said 76% of the websites were identified through e-commerce platforms. The operation also seized 13,552 units of unregistered pharmaceutical products worth RM132,498 at all the country's main entry points. Please get your meds and supplements from the proper channels!

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